
UDPKS courts controversy seeking Manau emblem as party symbol

USDP Assigns Constituencies to Ministers

UWSP thwarts rival party canvassing in Wa-controlled special region

USDP Constitution Maintains Junta's Policies

USDP claims to have “same goals” as Mon political party

USDP to extend its campaign to urban areas of Mon State

News In Burmese 30/07/10

Shan party: PM party’s criticism not acceptable

Forest ministry urges villagers to support for junta-backed parties

Municipality collects excess tax for drinking water pool renovation

Suu Kyi, NLD leaders confident of her release in November

USDP in memo accuses NLD of wrongdoing in 1990 election

News In Burmese 29/07/10

KSPP renews poll campaign, while awaiting approval

News In Burmese 28/07/10

Protracted problems following the 2010 elections

Chin National Party kick starts campaign, opens sub-township offices

Ethnic Palaung party confirms it will contest nationwide

News In Burmese 27/07/10

New Mon political party registers more than 1,000 members

Than Shwe May Free Suu Kyi Before Election: Former Spy

News In Burmese 26/07/10

White Tiger Party Popular in Northern Shan State

New Kachin party to contest in Kachin State

ACR News

News In Burmese 25/07/10

Deputy Home Minister to Run in Maungdaw for Pyidaungsu Hluttaw

News In Burmese 25/07/10