Shan party: PM party’s criticism not acceptable

The Shan National Democratic Party (SNDP) categorically says that it is not supported by any illegal armed group, in a denial of criticism leveled at it by some of the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) campaigners, according to one of the members of the SNDP. The Network Media Group (NMG) reported on 28 July that the USDP, while conducting a campaign to lobby voters in Kachin State’s Mongkawng (Mogaung) township, claimed that the SNDP was a party formed and supported by illegal armed groups and urged voters to cast ballots only for the USDP, and not for the SNDP.

“If you vote for our party and we win, we will do anything in the Shan peoples’ interest,” one of the USDP campaigners was quoted in the report.

Responding to the criticism from the USDP, a member of the SNDP who requested not to be named said the formation of the party doesn’t concern or relate to any rebel or illegal groups and was just formed by 15 ordinary citizens*.

“Therefore the party’s fund also comes from those 15 members,” he said. “We did not get support from any group that is stated as being an illegal association or a rebel group.”

“Also in accordance with the regulation that was enforced by the Elections Commission (EC), no party is allowed to say bad things against another’s personality and dignity,” he said.

The Election Commissions issued directive No.2/2010, dated 21 June 2010, Subject: Enlisting the strength of political parties, S.11 (f) states that:

(f) creating literary works, giving talks or taking organizing measures that can spark disputes on racial affairs or religious affairs or individuals or others, and that can harm dignity and morality.

“Now some of the USDP members are absolutely flouting the regulation of the EC,” he added. “It is not the proper way to practice by any party.”

In Kalemyo township, Sagaing Division, Khonumthung News reported on 27 July, that the USDP blamed National Unity Party (NUP) for once working with the Burma Socialist Program Party (BSPP) in destroying the country earlier, while NUP accused USDP for working in cahoots with the military junta.

The SNDP will contest in 40 townships within Shan State as well as areas outside of it such as Kachin and Karenni states and Mandalay, Sagaing and Rangoon Divisions, all of which have large Shan populations.

To date, the party is still finding it difficult to travel and open branch offices in the Shan State East and South, citing financial problems and the Election Commission’s directive to all parties to submit detailed applications for permission to campaign in townships at least 7 days before their intended visit, according to another member of the party.

“Moreover, another problem is that we are not allowed to gather or lobby at crowded places,” he added. “Thus is why it is difficult for us to find the place and open office to conduct a campaign to recruit members.”

Nevertheless, the party has already obtained 1,000 quota members to submit to the Elections Commission. It is planning to submit the list in coming August, but yet to set up the date, according to him.

The SNDP is also planning to publish its party newsletter called ‘Kya Phyu Thadin Hlwar (White Tiger Newsletter)’. It will be a bilingual publication written in Shan and Burmese. It will focus mainly on the party’s policies and activities.

Due to financial constraints, the book is expected to be sold between Kyat 300 and 500. The party will distribute it in areas where the Shan communities reside.

*According to him the party was formed by the following people

2 people from Shan State North’s Muse (Long Mawk Hsoi Herng and Sai Phoe Aung)

2 from Shan State North’s Namkham (Sai Hsai and Dr.Sai Ohn Kyaw)

2 from Shan State South’s Taunggyi ( Sai Yown Tin and Sai Tin)

2 from Mandalay Division’s Mongkut aka Mogok (Dr.Sai Naw and Sai Htun Aye)

1 from Kachin State’s Myitkyina (Sao Noi Than Myint)

1 from Shan State South’s Kaehsi ( Sai Awn Hseng Merng)

1 from Shan State South’s Mongkeung ( Sai Hsang)

1 from Shan State South’s Panglong ( Sai Hseng Merng)

1 from Shan State South’s Hopong and

the rest 2 are Sai Ai Pao, party Chairman (Rangoon) and Sai Saung Si, vice Chairman (Kyaukme)

