
ACR News

Many killed in Myanmar quake

Myanmar gems sale nets record $2.8 billion - official

Arakan rebels abduct Christian preacher for ransom

Forty two Burmese refugees arrested in Mizoram

Burmese Refugees in Ban Don Yang Experience Reduced Supplies

Wa, Mongla “advised” by China to shun new alliance

Poster Campaign in Sittwe for 21st Century Panglong Conference

100 Arakanese arrested, some tortured

Up to 4,000 fishermen from Pyapon missing in storms

Daewoo to Complete Construction of Kyaukpru Seaport 1 by May

Myanmar official says Karen rebels could be curbed with Thailand's help

April Fool’s Day likely time to inaugurate new Burmese government

Burmese Army warned to stop movement in KIA areas

Poll says Shans prefer presidential system

Development Displaced 40 Refugee Families in Malaysia

75 candidates barred from contesting next election

Sporadic gunfire in Libya

Dead or missing from quake and tsunami tops 21,000

Over 500 pigs die for blue ear disease in Myanmar

Rejoicing in Libya's Benghazi

Gaddafi condemns attack on his forces

Libya intervention comes too late for some

Dead or missing from tsunami disaster tops 20,000

Salt prices double, triple in Burma

A Porter's Story