White Tiger Party Popular in Northern Shan State

The SNDP opens a new office in Muse, Northern Shan State (photo: Shanland)

The Shan National Democratic Party (SNDP), which is also known as “White Tiger Party,” has become the most popular party in Northern Shan State, according to local sources.

“Everybody is talking about White Tiger,” said a merchant from Lashio, adding that people are bored with the military regime.

“If they are going to vote, I think they will vote for this party,” he said.

A member of the SNDP said they have opened offices in many towns in Northern Shan State except for Kutkai Township.

The SNDP is opening offices in more than forty towns including six townships in Kachin State and the southern part of Sagaing Division this month alone. The SNDP's main office is in South Okkalapa Township, Rangoon.

An SNDP organizer from Northern Shan State said, “local people are on our side, but they are still afraid. We are going to compete within the terms of the 2008 constitution in the coming poll.”

The Chairman of SNDP is Sai Aik Pao, who is the former general secretary of the Shan National League for Democracy.

A local person from Hsenwi, Northern Shan State, said: “The White Tiger party represents our nationality. They opened their office only a few days ago, but I have already signed up to be a party member.”

People supporting the SNDP are campaigning by e-mail to persuade Shan people abroad to vote.

Many Shan people currently in Thailand, the United Kingdom, Australia and Singapore can vote in the coming poll through their local embassy.

A Shan student from Bangkok said, “I’m going to support those who represent our nationality and pray that we win in the coming election.”

A Shan student in London said, “I’m going to vote for the SNDP because they represent our ethnic nationality and one vote can make a difference for the party.”

Khun Hsai, an editor for the Shan Herald Agency for News, said: “We had big dreams in the 1990 election. We thought that if the Shan party won, we could establish a state government and the regime would withdraw its army.”

“We were so passionate then, but now they [SNDP] have to try much harder to get the same level of enthusiasm,” he said, adding that the military regime was responsible for the current lack of interest in politics.

The SNDP submitted their party registration to the Union Election Commission on April 8. It was approved on May 26.

