Poverty Causes Steep Fall in Graduation Rate of Arakan Students

Sittwe: Poverty is the main cause of the drastic fall in the percentage of class-ten students who graduated in the academic year of 2010 - 2011 in western Burma's Arakan State, said U Aung Mya Kyaw, a member of state parliament from Sittwe Township.

"This year the pass percentage of class-ten students in our state is just 26.56, that rate has fallen to the bottom compared to other states and divisions, and the downward trend in the education sector is due to increasing poverty in our state," said U Aung Mya Kyaw.

The pass rate of the students this year in Arakan State has fallen by nearly 21 percentage points, compared to the 28. 28 percent graduate rate last year.

The MP said the drastic downturn in the education sector is due to the economic crisis inside the state, and parents and teacher can not pay much attention to their children's education when they are struggling to survive from day to day.

According to the state education department, the highest pass-rate out of seventeen townships in Arakan State was achieved in Ann Township where the western military command is based, while the lowest rate was in Maungdaw Township. In Ann Township, 40.11 percent of students graduated, while in Maungdaw just 17.05 percent did.

The number of brilliant students coming out from the results of the class-ten examination has also decreased this year compared to last year's results in Arakan.

Only one student passed the examination with distinction in all six subjects, while 15 passed in five subjects, and 26 students passed in four subjects with distinction this year.

Last year, 18 students passed the examination with distinction in six subjects, 25 passed in five subjects, 55 passed in three subjects, 116 passed in two subjects, and 737 passed with distinction in one subject.

The final examination of class ten is held by the national education board and is the main step for students entering into higher education in the Burmese education system. The nationwide examination for the academic year 2010 - 2011 was held in March 2011 and the results were declared on 4 June, 2011.

