Chinese-Burmese military officers meet in Mangshi on KIA

Laiza, the Capital of KIO/KIA near China border in eastern Kachin State, Northern Burma.
Two high ranking military officers from China and Burma met secretly in Mangshi on June 23 night in China’s southwest Yunnan province, bordering Burma for talks on capturing Laiza, the headquarters of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), said Mangshi sources.

At the meeting the Burmese Army officer asked China to permit crossing of the border by Burmese troops and its allies to attack and capture Laiza, said sources.

The meeting was joined by regional Chinese military officials and Burmese military officials from Naypyidaw and Lashio-based Northeastern Regional Command including officers from Konghka militia group, formerly known as Kachin Defense Army (KDA), said sources close to the meeting.

Permission was sought to allow Burmese troops to cross the Chinese border marching from Ruili (Shweli) River from the Burmese side to the Chinese side to attack the KIA’s Brigade 3 based near the China border, added sources.

China was also informed in the meeting by the Burmese military officer that the joint forces of Burmese troops and Konghka militia group (KDA) led by Mahtu Naw, which split from KIA in 1990, will launch the military operation to capture KIA’s Laiza headquarters and 3rd brigade, said sources among Chinese border authorities.

The Burmese military officer also explained to the Chinese the need to use some Kachin troops of the former KDA in the military mission for two reasons--- avoid racism and to look for an opportunity for negotiations. Only Burmese troops in the military mission to capture KIA’s Laiza headquarters may seem like a form of racism and make negotiations difficult.

China declined to comment on the war with KIA, but granted permission to cross the border to Burmese troops and the Konghka militia (KDA) during military operations, said sources among Chinese authorities.

Sources close to Konghka militia group said the group has over 800 military personnel and they are going to march to the frontline today to capture KIA’s Laiza headquarters and the 3rd brigade.

The renewed civil war started in Kachin State and Northern Shan State when the military-dominated Burmese government launched an offensive against the KIA at Sang Gang in N’mawk (Momauk) Township in Manmaw district in Kachin State on June 9.

Over 20,000 Kachin refugees from Burmese government controlled areas have fled to KIA’s territories near China border but China has refused to accept them into its territories, according to KIA officials.

The main reason for the refugees fleeing to KIA areas is fear of torture, interrogation and use as porters by government troops, said refugees.

