China asks Shan army to chase its four missing guys

The anti-Naypyitaw Shan State Army (SSA)’s political wing, Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS), was reportedly asked by Chinese companies working on Tasang Hydropower project on the Salween River in Shan State South, to find the whereabouts of their 4 engineers, according to the RCSS.

“Some of the companies’ delegations arrived to us on 31 May, asking for our help to look for their men as soon as possible,” said a SSA officer who requested not to be named.

The said four men: Yang Huoping, Li Shu and Lu Maolin from Changjiang Water Resources Commission (CWRC), Changjiang Survey, Planning Design & Research Co.,Ltd. and another man Li Jianzhong, their interpreter, have disappeared from the construction site since 9 May.

They were believed to have been abducted by an unknown armed group. There are several armed groups in the area, mostly supported by junta-backed local militias.

The Burma Army has alleged that it was the handiwork of the SSA/RCSS, while the SSA denied vehemently; claiming there would be no benefit for the group to commit such an act.

“It could be the handiwork of other groups and even itself (the Burma Army). Whoever it is, we will try our best to find out who the real culprit is,” said the SSA officer.

In order to start the investigation, the companies were asked to inform the Burma Army not to deploy its troops in the area while the SSA is looking for the abductees. The four men could be in potential danger if the two sides [the SSA and the Burma Army] encounter each other.

Nevertheless, there has been no reply from the companies whether or not they have already informed the Burma Army and what the Burma Army’s response was, the SSA said.

The area has been under heavy security provided by 3 Infantry Battalions (#43, 49 and 225), 1 Light Infantry Battalion (#519), and a local militia led by Panta of Ta Hsala. Since the survey began in 1997 by Thailand’s MDX Group, the Tasang Dam Project has been opposed by a score of human rights and environmental groups united under the umbrella movement called Salween Watch.

