Myanmar, North Korea come together in China

BEIJING: China simultaneously hosted two Asian leaders , who rarely visit foreign countries to avoid answering questions about the poor human rights record in their respective countries, over the past few days. They are Myanmar president U Thein Sein and Kim Jong Il, the top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea or North Korea.

What foreign policy officials in New Delhi, Washington and several other national capitals are keenly watching is signs of possible linkages between leaders of Myanmar and North Korea. There are reports of Myanmar's nuclear ambitions , and it might be keen on obtaining some technical support in this field from North Korea, informed sources said.

Burma's state-run The New Light of Myanmar has reported that Maj-Gen Thein Htay, the countrys minister of Border Affairs and Industrial Development, held a meeting with North Korean ambassador Kim Sok Chol on Tuesday. It did not give any details about the content of the talks. Both countries depend on Chinese assistance because they have been refused support by western powers.

