China supplied advanced mine detectors to Burma

KIA soldiers temporarily stopped in the frontline of Manmaw (Bhamo) district in Kachin State.
China supplied new advanced mine detectors with six trucks to neighbor Burma, where civil war to be broken out with ethnic armed groups demanding self-determination, in last April, said a reliable source of the two countries’ border.

Six trucks loading mine (or land mine) detectors with equipments crossed illegal Burma border door at Manwin in southeastern Kachin State, close to Muse border trade zone, and were supplied to the Burma military, said sources of Burma border security in Muse.

The sources said, unlike earlier Chinese mine detectors which uses in Burma military, the new detectors are more advanced than earlier for searching land mines and other aerial mines.

The new mine detectors was supplied to Burma before the visit of Xu Caihou, Vice Chairman of China’s Central Military Commission to the country and enhancing the two countries’ friendships and military cooperation from May 12 to 14.

Border-based military analysts thought the two countries’ military cooperation will lead to eliminate ethnic armed groups along the borders--- Kachin Independence Army (KIA), United Wa State Army (UWSA) and Shan State Army-North (SSA-N) who denied for transforming their groups into the Burma Army-controlled Border Guard Force (BGF).

China, the main ally of military-back Burmese government is the major arm supplier of Burma and Russia, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, India, Singapore, Serbia, Ukraine, Israel are also arms suppliers of Burma.

More than a dozen Burmese soldiers were injured by KIA mines on May 18, when government troops tried to enter KIA controlled areas in three locations, according to KIA officials.
