Upper House appoints Public Account Committee members

Chiang Mai (Mizzima) – The Upper House of Parliament approved a 15-member Public Account Committee on Thursday, continuing its work in creating the committees and appointing the officials necessary to form a new government. 
Personal Profiles
Aung Tun aka Khin Maung Tun
Born:Pauk Township
Education and military career:Master of Arts (Defence College), retired brigadier general, graduate of 16th Intake of Defence Services Academy (DSA), served in Infantry Battalion (IB) 56 (Myingyan), IB 90 (Hmawbi), IB 50 (Gangaw), Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 104 (Mawlamyaing), Southwest military command, Light Infantry Division (LID) 66, General Staff Officers College. Served as deputy minister of economics and commerce ministry. Received many decorations and medals including (Thingaha, distinguished medal, SPDC medal, Maiyan/Maethawa battles distinguished medal, military service medal, General Staff Officers College medal)
Address: South Okkalapa, Rangoon
Khin Maung Aye
Born:Pinlebu Township
Education:B.Sci. (Zoology, Ohio University, USA), director general (retired) Fisheries Department
Military career: Infrantry Battalion 82 (Second Lieutenant), LIB 17 (company commander) LIB 112 (second-in-command), IB 339 (lieutenant colonel), graduate of 43rd Intake of Officers Training School (Hmawbi)

Aung Tun, a USDP MP from Magwe constituency No. 11 was appointed as PAC chairman, and U Khin Maung Aye from Sagine constituency No. 7 was appointed secretary.

Aung Tun is retired brigadier general and a deputy minister in the Economic and Commerce Ministry. Khin Maung Aye has a bachelor of science in zoology from a US university, and extenive military command experience.

PAC embers are Bran Shaung (Kachin 3 constituency), National Unity Party (NUP); USDP MP Saw Tun Mya Aung (Karen 5); Zone Hle Thang (Chin 2), Chin Progressive Party (CPP); Ye Ye Myint (Mon 1), USDP; Thein Win (Sagaing 9) USDP, Moe Myint (Tanintharyi 7) USDP, Cho Nwe Oo (Pegu 7), USDP; Khin Waing Kyi (Rangoon 1), National Democratic Front (NDF); Khin Maung Yi (Irrawaddy 6), USDP; Khin Maung aka Aung Kyaw Oo (Rakhine 3), Rakhine Nationalities Development Party (RNDP)’ and Shu Maung (Shan 8), USDP.

