Parliament forms committees on bills

Chiang Mai (Mizzima) – A joint Parliament session on Monday formed committees on bills in each house, each comprising 15 members.

Biographical profiles:
Nanda Kyaw Swar (chairman of Committee on Bills of in the Upper House)
Place of Birth:Rangoon
Education:BSci, MSci, Supreme Court Advocate
Father:Retired Brigadier General Sithu Tin Pe
Mother:Retired Supreme Court Advocate
Wife:Dr. Myint Htay
Daughters:Saw Thu Nandi, Htway Kyar Nandi
Address:No. 124, Myalayyone, Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road, Dagon Township, Rangoon

Mya Nyein (chairman of Committee on Bills in the Lower House)
Career:Legal adviser in Central Institute of Civil Service (1973-74), Retired director general of the Office of Attorney General
Education:B.A (Law)
Place of Birth:Thandin Village, Shwepyitha Township (formerly Hmawpi Township), Rangoon
Address:Insein Township, Rangoon
The committees will vet bills prior to their being introduced to the respective bodies, the Upper House and the Lower House.

Nanda Kyaw Swar, the deputy speaker of the Upper House, was appointed as chair of the Committee on Bills in the Upper House. Mya Myein, the deputy speaker of the Lower House, was appointed chair of the Committee on Bills in the Lower House. 

T Khun Myat was appointed secretary of the Committee on Bills in the Upper House. San Tun was appointed secretary of the Committee on Bills in the Lower House. Both are members of the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP).

Following the nominations for committee members, Parliament approved the nominees.

Both houses of Parliament were in recess on Tuesday, which is Farmers’ Day, a national holiday. Sessions resumed on Wednesday.

The members of the Committee on Bills in the Upper House are Nan Wa Nu (Kunhing Township), Thaung (Mawlaik Township), Ba Shein (Kyaukphyu), Ngun Maung (Hakha), Dwair Bu (Injangyang), Nanda Kywa Swar (Dagon), T Khun Myat (Kutkai), Saw Hla Tun (Chaung Oo), Khin Maung Myint (Zigon), Maung Nyo (Pauk), Khin Maung Shwe (Tamu), Soe Reh (Demawso), Steven (Kengtong), Thein Tun (Amarpura) and Dr. Soe Moe Aung (Bilin). Of those, 10 members of the junta-backed USDP, one is from a Shan ethnic party, one is from an Arakanese ethnic party, one is from a Chin ethnic party, one is from the National Unity Party and one is from the Unity and Democracy Party of Kachin State, which has close ties with USDP. 

The members of the Committee on Bills in the Lower House are Mya Nyein (a retired director general of Attorney General Office, Rangoon Region constituency No. 7, of the USDP), Khak Htain Nang (Kachin State constituency No. 1, from the Unity and Democracy Party of Kachin State), Nan Ni Ni Aye (lecturer in computer Science), Karen State constituency No.6, from the USDP), Mann Tin Aung Myint (Karen State constituency No. 12, from the Kayin State Democracy and Development Party), Sun Doke Kyin (Chin State constituency No. 6, USDP), Dr. Hla Thein (Mon constituency No.6, USDP), Than Myint (Taninsarim constituency No.10, USDP), Myint Tun (Pegu constituency No.10, USDP), Soe Myint (Magway constituency No.6, USDP), Zaw Myint Pe (Mandalay constituency No.5, Democracy and Peace Party, Dr. Myat Nyar Na Soe (Rangoon Region constituency No.4, National Democratic Force), Tin Yu (Rangoon Region constituency No. 11, USDP), Kyaw Tun Aung (Arakan constituency No. 5, Rakhine Nationalities and Development Party), San Tun (Kachin State constituency No.11, USDP) and Sai Paung Nap (Shan State constituency No. 12, Wa Democratic Party).

