Chin party members nominated in two Hluttaw committees

3 March 2011: Two representatives of Chin political parties were nominated in the State Hluttaw Legislative Committee and National Races Affairs Committee by the Speaker of the State Hluttaw at its first regular session in Chin state, Burma on Monday.

The two committees will comprise nine members each and the Speaker of the State Hlawttaw nominated U Na Than of the Chin Progressive Party (CPP) from Falam Township No.1 Constituency as Chairman of the Legislative Committee and Mr. Zam Cin Pau (a) Mr. Zo Zam of the Chin National Party (CNP) from Tedim Township, No.2 Constituency as Chairman of National Races Affairs Committee.

Myanmar Alin newspaper reported that a list of five State Hluttaw representatives and four suitable citizens of the Hluttaw Legislative committee members and six State Hluttaw representatives and three suitable citizens for the National Races Affairs Committee, totaling 18 representatives were submitted during the Hakha session, in the capital of Chin state.

The state Speaker also listed the duties, powers, rights and terms of the Hluttaw Legislative Committee and State Hluttaw National Races Affairs Committee to the members. - Khonumthung News

Hluttaw Legislative committee members:
Chairman- Mr. Na Than (CPP) of Falam Township No.1 Constituency
Secretary- Mr. Chan Pum (CNP)) of Haka Township No.2, Constituency
Member- Mr. Kui Thang (USDP) of Kanpetlet Township No.1, Constituency
Member- Mr. Lal Maung Kyone (CNP) of Thantlang Township No.1 Constituency,
Member- Major. Nyi Nyi Oo, Defence Services Personnel representative
Member – Mr. Khaw Thio, Chin State Law Office
Member – Mr. Aung Hlaing Soe, Chin State Account Office
Member - Dr Hmuh Thang township Health Officer (Retired) and
Member – Mr. Myint Swe, Assistant State Education Officer (Retired)

National Races Affairs Committee members:
Chairman - Mr. Zo Zam (CNP) of Tedim Township No.2 Constituency
Secretary - Mr Nan Hsike (CPP) of Paletwa Township No.2 Constituency
Member - Mr. Van Cin (ENDP) of Matupi Township No.2 Constituency
Member - Mr. Kee Htan Lun (USDP) of Kanpetlet Township No.2 Constituency
Member - Mr. Robin (CNP) of Thantlang Township No.2 Constituency
Member - Mr. No Sum (CPP) of Falam Township No.2 Constituency
Member - Mr. Awn Khan Kap, assistant Director of State Fine Arts Department,
Member - Dr That Mang, Director (Retd) of State Livestock, Breeding Department
Member – Mr. Aung Thang, Matupi Township Town elder
