Burmese Parliament roundup

Chiang Mai (Mizzima) – Two members of the Burmese Parliament were removed from office on Friday because they were Foreign Registration Card (FRC) holders, according to other fellow MPs.

The expelled members were Upper House MP Cho Nwe Oo of Pegu Region, constituency 7, who earlier had been appointed a member of the Public Accounts Committee in the Upper House, and Lower House MP Aunt Gyi of Pegu Division, Thanatpin constituency. Both were members of the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP). 
Biographical profiles
Hla Myint Oo, 69
Place of Birth:Naypyidaw
Education:BA (Rangoon University, 1962)
Career:Deputy minister of the Civil Service Selection and Training Board. He joined the Navy in 1962 and retired in 1979. He worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as deputy director. He served as first secretary in the Burmese embassies in Beijing and Jakarta in 1981 and 1983, respectively. In 1988, he was assigned to Burmese embassy in Washington as a counselor. He was appointed as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Burma to Nepal in 1991, to Bangladesh in 1993 and South Africa in 1996, respectively. He was also a member of Burmese delegation to the 40th, 41st and 42nd UN General Assembly and the 12th Non-Aligned Movement Summit. He has been a deputy minister of the Civil Service Selection and Training Board since 1998. Also a columnist, his pen names are Hla Myint Oo, Maung Than Nyein and Bo Myint Oo.

Aung Nyein, 59
Birth of Place:Yenangyaung Township, Magway Division
Address:Chaungzon Village, Yenangyaung Township
Education:BSci, Defence Services Academy (Batch-18)
He worked as a gazette officer in 1973. During 1986-91, he worked an adjutant in Infantry Battalion 67. During 1991-92, he worked second commanding officer in Light Infantry Battalion 13 (Sagaing). During 1992-98, he was a commanding officer in Light Infantry Battalion 385. During 1998-99, he was a Tectical Operation Commander. From 2005-10, he worked as managing director of the Printing and Publishing Enterprise under the Ministry of Information. He was awarded a total of 16 medals including the Distinguished Civil Service Medal and the Military Service Medal.

The Burmese Constitution says a MP must be citizen who was born of parents who were citizens of Burma.

USDP MP Dr. Khin Maung Lay, 63, of Pegu Division, constituency 8, replaced Cho Nwe Oo on the Public Accounts Committee of the Upper House.

On Friday, both the Upper and Lower houses concentrated on the business of forming the committees and appointing the committee members necessary to conduct the business of each house.

The day’s business consisted of the nomination and approval of members to the Committee on Rights and the Privilege Committee 

Nanda Kyaw Swar, the deputy speaker of the Upper House and Mya Myein, the deputy speaker of the Lower House, were appointed to chair the Committee on Rights, respectively. Earlier, both were appointed as chairs of the Committee on Bills in their respective houses.

Appointed as secretary of the Committee on Rights in the Upper House was Hla Myint Oo (USDP), and Aung Nyein (USDP), Magway, constituency 2, in the Lower House.

Approved as members of Committee on Rights of the Lower House were Saung Si (Kyaukme constituency, Shan Nationalities Democratic Party); Mi Myint Than (Ye constituency, All Mon Regions Democracy Party); Dr. Than Win (North Okkala, National Democratic Force); Saw Thein Aung (Hlaingbwe constituency, Phalon Sawaw Democratic Party); Aye Pe (Coco Island, USDP); Dr. Soe Yin (Kamayut, USDP); Min Swe (Daik-U, USDP); Thein Lwin (Chauck, USDP); Dr. San Hlaing (Taunggok, USDP); Pite Htway (Kanma, USDP); Tin Maung Oo (Shwepyitha, USDP); Myint Soe (Pyawbwe, USDP); and Nan Noon (Shadaw, USDP).

Approved as members of the Privilege Committee in the Lower House were Sai Saung Hsi (Kyaukme) Shan Nationalities Development Party (SNDP); Mi Myint Than (Yay, All Mon Region Development Party (AMRDP); Dr. Than Win (North Okkalapa) National Democratic Front (NDF); Saw Thein Aung (Hliang Bwe), Pha Lone-Sawaw Party; Aye Pe (Coco Islands), Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA)’ Dr. Soe Yin (Kamayut), USDP); Min Swe (Daikoo), USDP; Thein Lwin (Chauk), USDP’ Dr. San Hlaing (Tungup), USDP; Pike Htwe (Kamma), USDP; Tin Maung Oo (Shwepyitha. USDP; Myint Soe (Pyaw Bwe). USDP; and Nan Nun (Shardaw). USDP. Previously USDP took only 10 members in these affair committees but this time they strangely took 11 seats in this privilege committee. 

Approved as members of Committee on Rights in the Upper House were J Yaw Wu (Kachin State constituency 12, National Unity Party); Bo Reh (Karenni State constituency 3, USDP); Saw Taw Pearl (Karen State constituency 7, Kayin People’s Party); Whae Yane (Chin State constituency 11, Chin Progressive Party); Nai Tun Ohn (Mon State constituency 5, All Mon Regions Democracy Party); Myat Ko (Sagaing Region constituency 12, USDP); Tin Maung Myint (Taminsarim Region constituency 3, USDP); Ye Myint (Pegu Region constituency 4, USDP); Win Maung (Mandalay Region constituency 2, USDP); Nyunt Tin (Rangoon Region constituency 2, USDP), Nu (Rangoon Region constituency 10, USDP); Kyaw Kyaw (Arakan State constituency 2, Rakhine Nationalities Development Party); and Nay Win Tun (Shan State constituency 9, Pa-O National Organisation).

Approved as members of the Privilege Committee in the Upper House were Jay Yaw Wu (Kachin 12), National Unity Party (NUP); Bo Ye (Kayah 3), USDP; Saw Taw Palae (Karen 7), Karen Progressive Party (KPP); Whay Yein (Chin 11) CPP; Nai Tun Ong (Mon 5), AMRDP; Myat Ko (Sagaing 12), USDP; Tin Maung Myint (Tanintharyi 3), USDP; Ye Myint (Pegu 4), USDP; Win Maung (Mandalay 2), USDP; Nyunt Tin (Rangoon 2) USDP; U Nu (Rangoon 10), USDP; Kyaw Kyaw (Rakhine 2) Rakhine Nationalities Development Party (RNDP); and Nay Win Tun (Shan 9), Pa-O National Organisation.

