
Launch of report on 2010 elections at FCCT on 8 March

Burma News International (BNI), the coalition of 11 exile Burma news groups, have released today the 135 page report on the November elections.

“The book is extremely readable,” says Khuensai Jaiyen, Editor of the Shan Herald Agency for News (SHAN), a member organization of BNI. “Half of it is just lists and references, so the reader need spend only a few hours to go through it. It should be a must for nosy people like me who are too lazy to read.”

Entitled Hobson’s Choice: Burma’s 2010 elections, the report details irregularities including the use of advance votes obtained though coerced voting and the highly unaccountable vote-counting.

“If it’s democracy, then give me dictatorship,” said a BNI member who took part in the drafting of the report. “At least it is honest about itself.”

The report will be launched at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand (FCCT) on 8 March. For more details, please contact Khin Maung Shwe, BNI secretary, Tel: (66) 847 225 988.

