New Alliance fast becoming the only game in town

The United Nationalities Federal Council. (UNFC), the newest coalition formed in a 5-day conference last week on the Thai-Burma border, could well become the only non-Burman ethnic alliance worth talking about, according to some co-founding members.

The Committee for the Emergence of Federal Union (CEFU), the core group that organized the conference, 12-16 February, declared its dissolution following the founding of UNFC. It was formed by three former ceasefire groups: Kachin Independence Organization (KIO), New Mon State Party (NMSP) and Shan State Army (SSA) ‘North’ plus three non-ceasefire groups: Karen National Union (KNU), Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) and Chin National Front (CNF) in November.

By contrast, other existing coalitions, notably the National Democratic Front (NDF), formed since 1976, and the Ethnic Nationalities Council (ENC), formed since 2001, are bound to be “history soon”, according to sources who request anonymity.

For the NDF, the reason is all of its member organizations, except for Arakan Liberation Front (ALP), have decided to join the UNFC.

As for the ENC, which has been credited for its outstanding State Constitution Drafting Movement that was launched in 2001, has long since bogged down in its efforts to become a state-based alliance. “With the death of Padoe Ba Thin Sein (Karen leader) who was its staunch supporter in 2008, the coalition soon lost its momentum,” said another source.

Both the NDF and the ENC are expected to discuss their future in the coming months. One of the participants at the UNFC Conference however remarked, “It is not necessary to dissolve these alliances. As the UNFC grows in stature, they will shrink to oblivion all by themselves.”

The Central Executive Committee (CEC) members of the UNFC are:

Gen Mutu Saypo Chairman KNU

Lt Gen Gauri Zau Seng Vice Chairman #1 KIO

Khun Abel Tweed Vice Chairman #2 KNPP

Nai Hongsa aka Nai Hantha General Secretary NMSP

Col Hkun Okker Joint Secretary #1 PNLO (PaO National Liberation Organization)

Shwe Myo Thant Joint Secretary #2 KNPP

Mahn Nyein Maung Member KNU

Dr Laja Member KIO

Dr Suikhar Member CNF

Bawmwang Laraw Member KNO (Kachin National Organization)

The new alliance has drummed up interest among Burma watchers due to its avowed intention to set up what it calls a “Union Army”.

