Five detained for distributing “Welcome Second Panglong” posters

22 February 2011: Five youths were detained by the police in Teddim, Chin state, Burma for distributing “Welcome Second Panglong” movement posters and leaflets during the 63rd Anniversary of the Chin National Day celebrations.

Mr. No Chin Thang, the leader of the youth group along with four friends were arrested from the Kam Huang football field, while celebrating the Chin National Day and detained in Teddim police station at 3 p.m. (Burma standard time) yesterday.

“We urged the authorities to release the youths immediately, or we would not withdraw our demonstration and the police released them yesterday.” said a member of the National League for Democracy from Teddim.

It is learnt that around 300 local youths assembled and demanded that the arrested youths be released soon after news spread in the town of the detention. Soon after they were released by the police station authorities, said a local.

The posters and leaflets were distributed in Teddim, Tonzang, Falam, Hakha in Chin state and Kalemyo in Sagaing division yesterday.

The Second Panglong was called for national reconciliation and resolving ethnic issues in Burma demanding a dialogue between the government and representatives of Daw Aung San Su Kyi’s National League for Democracy and representatives of ethnic groups on 24 October 2010 during the 22nd anniversary of the Zomi National Congress. A statement signed by various representatives in Kalemyo was issued. Khonumthung News

