Tightened Security in anticipation of Election Day

November 6th, 2010

IMNA : The week before election day in Mudon Township, Mon state security experienced an increased presence of Burmese soldiers to perform 24-hour a day watches.

“In the evening, around six or seven, soldiers stood duty at different areas in the village. This started about a week ago, but I don’t know why. I’ve never seen this before,” said a villager living in Mudon Township.

According this villager, these Burmese soldiers have based themselves in the Village Peace and Development Council (VPDC) office, staying inside during the day, but making rounds throughout the village at night.

Security has become tight in anticipation of election day on November 7th and some townships have increased check points as well.

Heightened security throughout the villages has caused most residents to stay inside during the night. Soldiers have not done anything yet, but residence have expressed fear that the soldiers will check the villagers if they meet them on the road.

“I think this is because of election day. I’ve never seen such tight security before,” expressed a Mudon resident.

One observer believes that authorities have tightened security to lessen possible disturbances before the election. It has been reported that on the highway from Moulmein to Ye, checkpoints inside and outside of Ye town have been stopping travelers on motorbikes and other vehicles to search for information that can be spread on the internet, such as USB flash-drives and information containing media about the elections.

The Thai-Burmese border at Three Pagodas Pass (TPP) and Myawaddy has also experienced tightened security in expectation of election day this Sunday.

