Suu Kyi switches on sanctions

Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar's pro-democracy opposition leader announced that she may support the lifting of sanctions in her first political speech after being released following seven years of house arrest.

Suu Kyi was addressing thousands of supporters at the headquarters of her National League for Democracy (NDL) party, in the city of Yangon, on Sunday, her first full day of freedom

"I want to hear the voice of the people, after that we will decide what we want to do," she told the crowds that greeted as she got out of her car at the offices of her officially disbanded political party.

"We will work for the people to lift living standards," she said. "I believe in human rights and I believe in the law."

The politician said she felt "no antagonism" to those who kept her detained, and that she was "well treated" during her detention.

Aung San Suu Kyi said she is willing "to work with any democratic forces," a sign that she is seeking to build support outside her own movement.

Al Jazeera's special correspondent in Myanmar was amongst the crowd as Aung San Suu Kyi spoke.

The correspondent, who cannot be named for security reasons, said that there was no sign of increased police or military presence around the city before the speech, but there was chaos outside the NDL headquarters.

"When her vehicle arrived, it was literally impossible for her to open her door," he said.

"There was very much a lot of pushing and shoving. Thousands of people have literally blocked the streets where the NDL is located."

Her announcement that she is willing to change her stance on sanctions is a dramatic change, he said.

"In the past she has campaigned for sanctions, she thought this was the best way to force change from the outside," he said.

It is yet to be seen whether the shift reflects a change in Aung San Suu Kyi's overall strategy. Our correspondent said that Sunday's comments hint that the leader may be adopting a reformist approach, rather than her longstanding battle to leverage international pressure against the ruling generals.

Her tactics are likely to be decided in meetings that will be held in the days and weeks to come, as she travels around the country.

"What remains to be seen is whether she’s had a change of heart," he said. "The exact tactics are still to be determined."

Treading softly

Speeches by Aung San Suu Kyi have, in the past, led to her arrest. This time, Al Jazeera's Marga Ortigas reported from Bangkok, she was more cautious and "not as fiery".

"It seems that she is very careful not to have that happen again," she said.

It also remains unclear what the government's strategy is going to be, Michel Vatikiokis of the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue told Al Jazeera.

"The advice I’m sure she’s getting from everyone is not to overplay her hand," he said. "We've also seen in the past that traps are laid to justify re-imprisoning her."

"She has to be careful to talking much more to the Burmese and less to foreigners."

Aung San Suu Kyi will need to build communication with the country's youth, he said, and clarify her position on the country's ethnic tensions.

Exiles' excitement

Meanwhile, there are high expectations amongst the many Myanmar citizens living in exile near the Thai border, Al Jazeera's Aela Callan reported from Mae Sot, Thailand.

"... with the release of Aung Sung Suu Kyi, there is definitely a sense among the ethnic groups, among the refugees, among the former political prisoners, that this is just the beginning for them," she said.

"Their excitement has been relatively contained, because they're waiting to see what happens next.

"While there is a sense that Aung Sung Suu Kyi's release will not dramatically change the lives of people in this region, there is real hope that she will be the one who can unite the various forces of opposition within the country, to bring them together and create change".

About 20,000 people fled Myanmar to seek refuge in neighbouring Thailand after clashes between government troops and ethnic Karen fighters along the border were sparked by controversial general elections earlier this month.

The fighting in Myanmar came amid widespread accusations that the country's first vote in 20 years, on November 7, was rigged by the military government, which some ethnic groups accuse of mistreatment.

In recent days, however, things have returned to normal, Callan reported. Many of those who fled have returned home.

In the evening, Aung San Suu Kyi was planning a customary visit to Yangon's Shwedagon pagoda.

She made a brief public appearance on Saturday shortly after her release from house arrest. Witnesses said hundreds of people rushed to her home after the authorities removed barbed-wire barricades in front of her compound.

"We must work together in unison to achieve our goal," Aung San Suu Kyi told her supporters in an appearance at the gate of her compound, as the crowd chanted, cheered and sang the national anthem.

Almost 1,000 people, including journalists, had gathered near her lakeside house throughout the day, many chanting "Release Aung San Suu Kyi" and "Long live Aung San Suu Kyi". Some wore T-shirts emblazoned with messages pledging to stand with her.

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