Pre-vote at Three Pagodas Pass

IMNA : Polling booth officers, election commission, and other election staff members at Three Pagodas Pass (TPP) town, Karen State participated in a pre-vote from 10 am to 2 pm today.

The election commission and polling booth officers voted two days before the official pre-vote date reportedly due to the distance needed to travel for voting. The vote was held at the TPP Township Peace and Development Council’s (TPDC) office, where 100 staff participated in the pre-vote. Also partipating were the election commission and polling booth officers from Chaung Zone village, near TPP.

The vote was led by U Myint Soe, head of the Karen State Education Department, Karen State Election Commission, Lawyer U Saw San Win, and the TPP chairman.

“We voted for all levels: State Assembly, National Assembly, and the People’s Assembly,” said a civilian staff voter. According to the staff who voted, all the candidates were either Burmese or Karen, not Mon, and mostly from the United Solidarity and Development Party (USDP), a proxy of the current military regime..

Election Article 45 (Kha) and Law 51 specifically state the pre-vote was set for November 5th, but the election commission and polling booth team for TPP held it today.

