Independent Candidates Harassed

Independent candidate Yan Kyaw attends a campaign rally in Rangoon. (Photo: Reuters)
Independent candidates campaigning in the election said they face regular harassment from the police, government officials and members of the regime-backed Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) and accuse Township sub Election Commissions (EC) of being biased and neglecting their complaints.

“USDP members confiscated invitations I had distributed to campaign meetings,” said Zaw Min Thein, who will run as an independent for the State & Region Parliament in Leymyethna Township in Irrawaddy Division.

When Thein Nyunt came to town he publicly offered voters the choice between “ a dog and lion,” he said. The lion is the recognized symbol of the USDP and the dog a deep insult in Burma.

“When I complained to the EC, they told me to resolve the issue peacefully,” he said, adding that he threatened to issue a law suit since his party and the USDP are the only two parties contesting the seat.

“The EC and ward authorities are biased because they are composed of USDP members. They have used their powers to make people aware of USDP policy and have held meetings at temples,” he said. EC rules stipulate that political gatherings and speech-making at religious sites, schools and government schools are prohibited.

In a typical incident, authorities confronted independent candidate Saw Aung and his group after they had been campaigning in South Okkalarpa Township in Rangoon.

“Two police trucks blocked the road. USDP members, the fire brigade and ward authorities were waiting with the police. They wanted to arrest us for meeting too late at night and threatened my supporters, saying they would force any Red Cross members [a junta-backed social organization] to resign,” said Saw Aung.

Kaung Myint Htut, who is running against Rangoon Mayor, Ex Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin, a leading USDP member and junta heavyweight, said the USDP has been circulating rumors that he had been arrested.

“Aung Thein Lein wants Kaung Myint Htut killed because he has got a lot of public support,” said a local source.

Yu Zar Maw Tun, an independent running in Rangoon's Hlaing Township, told The Irrawaddy on Wednesday that a group of plain-clothes Special Branch Police (SB) took photos and names of people at meetings, saying they were there to maintain security, but they made potential supporters afraid. She also said they took her campaign pamphlets.

Speaking to The Irrawaddy on Wednesday, Tint San, an independent candidate running in Tarmway Township said USDP members shouted rude language as he campaigned and the Military Affairs Security Unit (Sa-Ya-Pha) restricted his activities.

Thein Naing, an independent candidate from Kayan Township in Rangoon said, “One USDP candidate insulted me, saying that my seven standard education meant I was stupid.”

