ENC Statement on the release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

The Ethnic Nationalities Council stands with the people of Burma and the international community in welcoming the Burmese regime’s release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi after almost two decades under arrest. While this is a momentous time of joy, all the peoples of Burma should remind ourselves the fact that there are many more problems to be solved for the country.

The release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi will provide the opportunity to pursue the only viable path to solving six long decades of political crisis in Burma through a meaningful political dialogue; a call the Ethnic Nationalities Council has consistently made since its foundation. 

Additionally, the Ethnic Nationalities Council welcomes the call for the Second Panglong Conference, as suggested by leaders of the NLD and representatives of ethnic nationalities through the “Kalaymyo Resolution” in October. The ENC (ENSCC) has been calling for such a conference since 2001 in its policy of “The New Panglong Initiative”. This is a time to solve the country problems together in unify manner involving all vested parties collectively towards the emergence of a genuine federal Union of Burma.

As can be seen by the fighting that broke out on the eastern-Burma border on the 7th November 2010, unless the legitimate aspirations of the country’s ethnic populations are addressed there can be no peace in the country. The Regime must recognize this fact, stop its oppression of the ethnic nationalities, release all political prisoners, and cease its attempt to convert ceasefire groups into Border Guard Forces.

While the release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is a major step forward in solving the political problems of the country, unless the needs of the ethic nationalities are recognized then there can be no substantial peace.  Consequently, we strongly urge the regime to engage in tripartite dialogue and stop its attacks on the ethnic peoples.

Central Executive Committee
Ethnic Nationalities Council
14th November 2010

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