Chin voters in a dilemma

2 November 2010: Chin voters, especially in the town of Thantlang, Chin State are in a dilemma. They have been thoroughly confused by the different political parties during the campaigning in Chin state for the general election in Burma on Sunday.

For example, when Dr. Hmuthang, the USDP candidate, was campaigning in the second week of October in Thantlang, some people asked questions related to the development of Chin state and people’s welfare after the election, should they support the party. But Dr. Hmuthang was at a loss to answer the questions.

A source said that Dr. Hmuthang promised to alleviate the miseries of the people and bring them out of poverty if they vote for the USDP. The promise sounded hollow, given that there are no natural resources or other means in Chin state to help generate employment. USDP campaigners have been campaigning in Thantlang Township constituency for about a month and coercing people to vote for the party.

“When we asked him about how he intends to free us from poverty, he was silent. But he proudly stated that his party will win in the election,” said a woman in Thantlang.

Khonumthung News has been unable to contact Dr. Hmuthang because he is busy campaigning.

Meanwhile, the Chin National Party (CNP) has also promised people that it will usher in peace and development in Chin State, as promised in its manifesto.

In fact, the Chin people in the area are struggling to choose between the USDP and CNP. Some people are prepared to vote for the USDP out of fear, while some are toying with the idea of voting for their own ethic parties.

However, the ethnic party is seen as a dark horse in the race. Local voters are concerned they will lose favor with the government if they vote for the CNP.

“Actually, the campaigners of USDP told us to vote the party while the door is open, if we don’t we will regret on it and will lose favor with the government. At the same time CNP is not confident of winning the election, so we are unsure who we should vote for,” the woman added.

Most young people in Thantlang are thoroughly confused by the vague messages from political parties because they have never participated in an election before. They are not aware of party politics and how parties use propaganda to influence voters. They are groping in the dark and cannot figure out how the election will affect their lives.

One local resident said, “I think the USDP will win this election as they have the backing of the junta. The military has 25 per cent of the seats reserved.”

A record shows the population of Thantlang Township to be just over 51,000. Most of them are still confused which party to vote for with just four days left before Election Day.

Most people like Dr. Hmuthang the USDP candidate from Thantlang Township, but they don’t want to support his party. So, they are saying, “We are afraid of the lion symbol(the USDP logo), but we love the doctor.” - Khonumthung News.

