Border residents told to cast vote for junta-backed party

Yet again local residents in Muse, Northern Shan State, opposite China’s Yunan province, were instructed to give vote for candidates of junta-backed Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) by Chairman of Muse Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC), saying they are the right people to be the future leaders of the township, according to local sources.

The said candidates whom the Chairman, U Myint Han mentioned are Sai Win Maung and Dr. Sai Yee Ann, both candidates of USDP. Sai Win Maung will be contesting for upper house and Dr. Sai Yee Ann will contest for lower house.

“He called on all local leaders from different departments and ethnic representatives to urge villagers to vote for USDP because its candidates are the Shan nationalities who know well about administration and are also intellectuals,” a meeting attendee related.

“He said members in other parties are inexperienced in administrative affairs and have little knowledge in management.”

The meeting was held at 19:30 on 30 October, the deadline day for the political parties to stop all their campaign events, at TPDC’s office and lasted for an hour.

Ethnic nationalities that were present in the meeting were from Shan Literary and Culture Association, Kachin Literary and Culture Association, Taang (Palaung) Literary and Culture Association and Lisu Literary and Culture Association.

Early in the month, one of the USDP candidates, U Kengmai, chief of 200-strong Mongpaw militia unit and a candidate of Muse constituency No.2 had also ordered people to vote for the party warning people who cast vote for other parties would be imprisoned.

There are only two main parties to contest in the township, Shan Nationalities Democratic Party (SNDP) and USDP.

