NLD Will Cease to Exist: CEC

The National League for Democracy (NLD) will cease to exist as a political movement after the deadline for party registration on May 6, according to NLD Central Executive Committee (CEC) members.

Activists stage a rally against Burmese military junta near Burmese Embassy in Seoul, South Korea, on April 27. Dozen protesters urged Burmese regime to immediately release their pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi, and hold free and fair election this year later. (Photo: AP)

The Burmese opposition party refused to re-register for this year's general election, saying the election laws were “unfair and unjust.”

The Burmese opposition party's CEC held a meeting on Thursday at its headquarters in Shwegondaing in Rangoon and discussed passing down instructions to township level offices on how to proceed.

Win Tin, a leading member of NLD, said that Thursday's would be the last meeting for the NLD's CEC, but that the party will not remove its placard and flag from outside its office.

Speaking to The Irrawaddy, Ohn Kyaing, an NLD information committee member, said, “We will not have any more meetings nor release statements related to politics. However, we will activate social programs that have a political purpose.”

At Thursday's meeting, some nongovernmental organizations offered advice on social programs aimed at collecting plastic bags and burning waste, Win Tin said.

However, Khin Maung Swe, an NLD spokesperson, said that he will oppose social activities if carried out under the fighting peacock flag, the symbol of the NLD.

“I cannot accept our members doing social work with the peacock flag in the background,” he said. “It would diminish our political dignity.”

Win Tin said that many CEC members have different points of view with soft and hard liners contesting the plans for the party's future. Therefore, it was difficult to get round to discussing such grassroots policies.

Sources close to the NLD leadership said some leading members of the NLD will break away and form a new political party after the deadline. According to Political Parties Registration Laws, only existing parties must re-register by May 6. New parties are not subject to such a deadline.

Win Tin said, “If some NLD members want to form a party after May 6 then that is their right, but it means they accept the 2008 Constitution that we are opposed to.”

He said he is doubtful that political parties that participate in the coming election are doing so for the sake of the public, but more likely to gain political space in parliament.

Win Tin predicted that Suu Kyi would not see any NLD signs or flags when she is released from house arrest in November, because the NLD will be disbanded. However, he said she can be part of the “Body politic.”

The Body Politic refers to all citizens of a nation being considered as a collective political voice.

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