Heat wave kills 2 people in Myanmar

Two people have died of heat strike in Myanmar's former capital of Yangon over the past few days, the local weekly Yangon Times reported Tuesday.

The two drivers of three-wheelers were dead under scorching noon sun after they dropped their passengers at the destination.

Frightened by the tragedy, all other drivers stopped their business immediately in the afternoon but resumed in the evening to avoid the life-threatening temperature, the report said.

Summer season in Myanmar lasts from March to May, and April represents the hottest month.

As a rare phenomena in several decades, this summer is undergoing excessive heat wave.

The day temperatures in central Myanmar posted a record high at between 43 and 45 degree Celsius, 5 to 6 degree Celsius above April average maximum temperature.

People are forced to choose to remain indoor in the day time and knowledge about prevention from heat is being publicly disseminated.

Source :http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90851/6981508.html
