NLD Office In Arakan State Demolished

By Maung Aye: The National League for Democracy Arakan State's office was demolished by unidentified individuals just a day before the office was set to open, said U Thein Hlaing, who is general secretary of NLD Arakan State.

"We had planned to open the NLD state office at 8 am on 11 March. Some senior state party leaders went to the office on that day to open, and when they arrived out front they say there was no structure. Only compound remains without any buildings," he said.

U Maung Krun Aung, MP from the 1990 election in the Rathidaung Township constituency, U San Shwe Tun, Sittwe Township NLD president, and prominent female NLD leader Daw Myo Aye discovered the building had been demolished on the opening day.

The office is located at Pan Kran Land, or Garden Road, in Myo Thu Gyi Ward in Sittwe, and it was built out of wood and bamboo.

"We had already discussed the opening of the office with Arakan State Police Chief Aung Than Shwe at his office on 10 March. A day after that discussion the office was demolished. I suspect some people who are pro-regime demolished the building," said Thein.

MP U Maung Krun Aung complained of the crime to Police Chief Aung Than Shwe and the ward chairman, but there has been no response or action regarding the incident.

"I heard that some government thugs demolished the house with the owner's permission. The owner was pressured by unknown high officials to demolish the house before the opening of the NLD office," Thein added.

Two NLD signboards, two party flags, a box with some important official files, and a chest of drawers were missing after the incident.

Another NLD member from Sittwe who wished to remain anonymous said, "The military authority is now pressuring the NLD to register the party with the election commission in accordance with recent election laws with the intent to expel Daw Aung San Kyi from the NLD. If the NLD refuses to follow the authorities pressure, the authority will disturb the NLD in many ways. It is also included in the plan of government authorities to disturb the NLD officials."

The military owned government wrote in provisions to its current constitution that effectively bar Daw Aung San Suu Kyi from participating in the upcoming election.

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