‘I Love Myanmar’ to develop Chin state

10 March 2010: For the development of Chin state, in western Burma, a NGO called ‘I Love Myanmar’ will commence work this year.

Dr. Levi Sap Nei Thang, Chairman of ‘I Love Myanmar’ met Prime Minister Thein Sein on 24 February

During the meeting Dr. Levi informed the Prime Minister that his organization will develop agriculture, farming, and trade roads and upgrade the educational system in Chin state.

Dr. Levi told Khonumthung News that they will clearly demarcate Chin state and Kaley district, Sagaing division by stringing a “Welcome to Chin state” signboard. They will plant cherry trees on the roadside on all main roads in Chin state.

On the agriculture sector they will work in tandem with the Agriculture Department and Forest Department in Chin state from this month. They will also widen the Kalemyo Road via Chin state and will plant mango and orange trees on the roadside.

After development of the agricultural project, they will concentrate on the education system in Chin state. As Chin state is allowed a self-educational system by the regime, they will introduce Chin language in schools, said Dr. Levi.

Besides, ‘I Love Myanmar’ will construct the building of Falam College, Kanpalet College and other colleges in Chin state. For this project ‘I Love Myanmar’ group has requested all Chin people to work together.

‘I Love Myanmar’ is an independent entity. It has provided many relief aids to the people affected by Cyclone Nargis in 2008.

Dr. Levi lost her 11 month-old daughter in Children Special Hospital while she was supporting the victims of the cyclone. She has donated medicines and latest medical instruments to Children hospital and other hospitals in Chin state in the name of her daughter Emanuel. She has established the Emanuel Foundation and she is working to construct roads in remote areas in Chin state in the name of the foundation.- Khonumthung News

Source :http://www.khonumthung.org/news.php?readmore=164
