UN migrants’ expert alarmed over Thailand’s deportation policy

Chiang Mai (Mizzima) - The Thai government’s policy that threatens massive deportation of millions of migrant workers from Thailand has alarmed the UN expert on human rights of migrants.

Jorge A. Bustamante, UN expert on human rights of migrants, on Thursday, expressed serious concern about Thailand’s nationality verification process. He warned that its implementation in its current form may lead to forced deportation of a large number of migrants, flouting fundamental human rights obligations, an urgent press statement released from Geneva said.

Bustamante, mandated by the Human Rights Council to monitor human rights of migrants said, “A potentially large number of documented and undocumented migrant workers from Myanmar, Cambodia, and Lao People’s Democratic Republic face the threat of deportation from Thailand after 28 February 2010.”

On Tuesday, rights organizations in Thailand complained to representatives of the UN’s Special Rapporteur on Human Rights of Migrants and on the Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar, as well as the Director General of the International Labour Organisation. The complaint noted that over two million migrants are threatened with deportation by the Royal Thai Government after 28 February if they fail to go by the nationality verification process.

In January, the Thai Cabinet passed a resolution allowing a two-year extension of work permits for approximately 1.3 million migrants provided that they were willing to submit biographical information to their home governments prior to 28 February 2010.

While welcoming the resolution to extend the period of registration, Bustamante was concerned that “the scheme is only applicable to regular migrants who submit registration before February 28 and does not include irregular migrants.” Additionally, “this scheme does not offer options for protecting the human rights of migrants who have or will not avail themselves of this process.”

“The precarious situation of migrants in Thailand is further exacerbated by the requirements of the nationality verification process,” said the UN Special Rapporteur on migrants.

He also warned that Thailand should respect the principle of ‘non-refoulement’, by adding, “Among the groups who may potentially be deported, there may be some who may be in need of international protection and should not be returned to the country of origin.

“I am disappointed,” the UN expert added, “that that the Government of Thailand has not responded to my letters expressing calls for restraint; I reiterate my earlier messages to the Government to reconsider its actions and decisions, and to abide by international instruments.”

“If pursued, the threats of mass expulsion will result in unprecedented human suffering and will definitely breach fundamental human rights obligations,” he said.

According to Thailand’s Ministry of Labour, only 10 per cent of migrant workers from Lao and Cambodia in Thailand have submitted documents to extend their work permits till the end of January. The total number of registered migrant workers this year is about 140,000 against the total 1,400,000 last year.

Source :http://mizzima.com/news/world/3557-un-migrants-expert-alarmed-over-thailands-deportation-policy.html
