Troops face probe after three Burmese killed, including two children

Prosecutors are investigating the deaths of three Burmese - including two young children - who were killed when a pick-up truck they were being smuggled in was sprayed with bullets by Thai soldiers in Ranong on Thursday.

Gruesome photos of the three dead bodies seen by the Bangkok Post Sunday show a young man lying in the tray of the pick-up, with a bullet wound in the top of his head. Beside him are two small children, one lying on a banana leaf with a gaping wound in the top right of his or her skull.

Thirteen Burmese were in the pick-up when soldiers from a task force company of the 25th Infantry Regiment opened fire after the vehicle failed to stop at about 5am.

Seventeen bullet holes were found in the body of the truck, and three of the truck's tyres had been shot out. Five of the Burmese were taken to hospital with gunshot wounds. Three were in serious condition at Ranong Hospital on Friday, while the two others were discharged. The soldiers opened fire from another vehicle after the smuggler's truck failed to stop when it approached them. Later reports on the incident said the driver had rammed the truck through checkpoint gates and the soldiers had given chase.

It's understood the tray of the pick-up was covered, and the soldiers may have not known there were people lying in the back when they opened fire.

Supot Mongkoltangsirikul, 35, the driver of the pick-up who was uninjured, said he had been paid 500 baht to take the workers to Ranong Thani Housing Estate.

The migrants had been smuggled from Kawthaung in Burma by longtail boat, according to police. They were loaded in the truck from the bank of the Kraburi River, about 400m from the main road. Pol Col Veerasin Kwanseng, chief of the Pak Nam police station, said Mr Supot would likely be charged with attempted murder for his failure to stop, and with smuggling alien workers.

The soldiers were initially charged over the three deaths, but as they were performing their duty, provincial prosecutors would further investigate and decide how to proceed with the case, he said.

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