Spray campaign on the Sino-Burma border

Unknown activists launched a two-day spray campaign against the ruling military junta last week, according to sources on the Muse-Ruili border.

On 7 January, people coming to join the education festival held at Muse’s High School#2 found several slogans sprayed on the building walls which include:
• “We don’t want the 2010 elections!”
• “Down with Than Shwe!”
• “Free Aung San Suu Kyi and political prisoners!”

The police soon arrived to wipe out the paint, said a source. Another source added “There was another slogan too that the festival had nothing to do with education but just to raise funds.”

On the next day, similar slogans were found sprayed on the immigration office building walls and on the town’s helicopter pads. So far, no culprit has been found and no one has declared responsibility.

The anti-Naypyitaw Shan State Army (SSA) South’s Force 701, commanded by Lt-Col Zawm Mong, is active in the area.

Soure : http://shanland.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2883:spray-campaign-on-the-sino-burma-border&catid=85:politics&Itemid=266
