New York City Enjoy Entertaining Night For Mautam-Hit Victims

26 January 2010 (Chinland Guardian): The Chin food Aid concert took place successfully in New York City last Sunday with an attendance much bigger than expected.

A diverse group of hundreds of audience supported the event where one of the top performers from Burma Sung Tin Par was joined by New York based talented singers Mr. Zaw Htay, Ms. Nau Nau, and Ms. Katie.

The famous Chin singer said: “I have come here to New York City so far away from Chinland to entertain you tonight." The audience greeted the artist and chanted: “We love you, Ma Sung Tin”.

“When we do what we do, we do it with a clear understanding of the need, and with conviction, passion and commitment”, said Salai Elaisa Vahnie, coordinator of Chin Food Aid Concerts in USA, in his short speech at the event.

In response to the call, generated by famine-like food crisis in western Burma, which has affected the estimated 100,000 individuals since 2007, the awareness and fund raising concerts have been organized in four continents as part of the Global Campaign Against Starvation in Chinland.

The humanitarian event was supported by New York based Burmese community as well as supporters from Virginia, New Jersey, Maryland and other cities in New York state. Some officials from the United Nations also attended the concert.

The Third Media (3M) [for Orphans of Burma] helped organize this concert in New York City.

The next concert is slated to be organized in West Palm Beach, Florida on 29 January 2010, Friday evening.

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