Myanmar boosts civil service salaries

YANGON — Military-ruled Myanmar has increased basic salaries for low-paid civil servants, a government order said Tuesday, in an apparent attempt to stave off the effect of rising prices.

Government workers earning between the lowest monthly wage of 15,000 kyats (15 dollars) and 200,000 kyats will receive a fixed increase of 20,000 kyats, said the order from the ministry of finance and revenue.

The new rate will apply to the first month's salary of 2010, which will be paid at the end of January, said the order, which was dated December 31 but has only just emerged.

"The government has decided to increase the salaries of government staff for the sake of their living standards," the order said.

Myanmar, one of the world's poorest countries, has seen prices of commodities and consumer items rise sharply in recent months.

A massive and unannounced hike in fuel prices in August 2007 unleashed protests led by Buddhist monks that snowballed into the biggest threat to the ruling junta in nearly 20 years.

A subsequent crackdown by the military left at least 31 people dead.

Under the new government order, the day-rate for casual labourers for government departments would also be increased from 500 kyats per eight-hour day to 1,100 kyats.

Civil servants paid in foreign currency abroad, such as foreign ministry staff, would not have their salary increased, the order said.

"We have to be happy about the increased salaries," a government worker said on condition of anonymity.

"But the cost of living and daily expenses are also increasing now and that's why there is so much corruption. Still, it (the pay rise) is a relief for the lowest paid staff," the official said.

Myanmar has an estimated 20,000 government staff working at 30 ministries.

