Myanmar arrests 11 accused of plotting bombings

Myanmar's military junta on Wednesday announced the arrests of 11 people accused of planning bombings to disrupt elections planned for this year.

State radio said that "terrorists" bent on derailing the 2010 general election have penetrated the country and were responsible for seven explosions in Yangon industrial parks in September last year.

The report said the arrests were made last week in Yangon's northern Mingladon township and the authorities seized handmade explosives, 43 detonators, U.S.-made TNT and C4 explosives, a pistol and a satellite phone.

It said those arrested included a man who belongs to the People's Guerrilla Front, which it linked to the Vigorous Burmese Student Warriors.

Five armed men from the Vigorous Burmese Student Warriors stormed the Myanmar Embassy in Bangkok in October 1999. The group took 38 hostages to demand democracy in their country, also known as Burma. Thailand allowed them to fly to the border and disappear, angering Myanmar but ending the standoff without bloodshed.

The warriors were blamed for several small bombings in Yangon in April 2008.

The report said those arrested had been planning further explosions in industrial zones and also were targeting security personnel on patrol.

Separately, state-run newspapers on Wednesday published stories blaming ethnic Karen rebels for other attacks. They accused the Karen National Union of being behind two blasts Tuesday morning in Kyaukkyi in Bago Division, about 105 miles (170 kilometers) northeast of Yangon. No casualties were reported.

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