Mongla looking for white sedan

Three days after the gunning down of Mongla’s #6 leader Min Ein, the assassin, who was reported to have driven off in a white sedan, is still at large. “It’s a Mark 2 Toyota,” said a source.

“There must be 100 White Mark 2 Toyotas in the area,” spat another source. Finding no culprits to blame, a Mongla official thought that killer could be from one of the two likely sources:

  • One, the 4,500 strong NDAA (National Democratic Alliance Army-Eastern Shan State)
  • Two, the Burma Army

There are only a handful of junta officials in the area: Immigration, Customs and school teachers. Apart from them, there are hundreds of Burmese hired laborers in the city opposite China’s Daluo.

The National Democratic Front (NDF), an alliance of several ethnic movements, yesterday issued a statement saying the secret order to assassinate leaders of the ethnic ceasefire groups that have refused to transform themselves into Border Guard Forces (BGFs) came out from Naypyitaw following the Tri-annual meeting held in November.

Irrawaddy News also reported junta commanders have been instructed to launch preemptive strikes against recalcitrant ceasefire groups. Apart from the NDAA, there are 5 official ceasefire groups that have refused to allow themselves to be run by the Burma Army: Kachin Independence Army (KIA), Kayan New Land Party (KNLP), New Mon State Party (NMSP), Shan State Army (SSA) North and United Wa State Army (UWSA).

Min Ein’s funeral is on Sunday, 31 January.

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