Junta orders people to shift for airport expansion

Front side of Kalemyo Aiport

22 January 2010: The Township Peace and Development Council in Kalemyo, Sagaing division, Burma has ordered local people in Pinlun block no. 7 and 8 to move to other places before February 2010. The shift is apparently necessary for expansion of an airport.

“There are about 147 houses in these blocks. The airport already extends to TaDaO (bridge). Now it will be extended up to the RTC gate,” said a local.

The order came in the first week of January and the deadline is for February 2010. The local people between Bo Chauh Road to the Southern Primary School (9) will be shifted to other places.

The airport now is only suitable for small aircraft carrying 42 passengers, but it can handle bigger jet aircraft with 75 passengers after the expansion.

A source said that the people to be affected will receive compensation of Kyat 4 lakh for each house. They will be relocated in vacant plots near Kalmyo railway station, Taungphila block and Industrial Estate.

“The allotted location is the land confiscated from the people by the Burmese Army,” said a local.

Each family will be given 70 feet by 40 feet of square land. However, 57 out of 147 families are staying in rented houses. They are facing problems regarding renting other houses in the new location.

The relocated place is near LIB 89 military camp and training area.

The junta had tried to demolish the graveyard in Taungphila block in order to extend airport in 2007. – Khonumthung News.

Source :http://khonumthung.com/kng-news/09-news/junta-orders-people-to-shift-for-airport-expansion
