27 January 2010: Preachers proselytizing the Christian Gospel in Chin State are being closely monitored by the military regime.

Military personnel stationed in southern Chin Sate have been closely monitoring the activities of two Christian evangelists touring the area since December 2009.

“The military authorities were inquiring about the activities and whereabouts of the two evangelists who were on a private mission to spread the Gospel in southern Chin State,” said a local person.

Hailing from Falam Township, the due are being subject to close scrutiny as to whether they are engaged in any anti-government propaganda.

“The evangelists are now camped out in Mindat Town, being afraid to travel around as the authorities are closely keeping an eye on their activities and what they say.”

The ruling military regime is now actively campaigning for votes, courting Chin civilians in various ways ahead of the planned 2010 elections.

The two evangelists are reported to have to cut short their travel plans after they realized that their movements are closely being monitored by the authorities. – Khonumthung News.

Source :http://khonumthung.com/kng-news/09-news/christian-preachers-closely-monitored-by-regime/
