Comment: 'Burma visits only fund the military junta'

Monks wear masks before marching in an anti-government protest Photo: REUTERS

By Mark Farmaner, Burma Campaign UK

Mark Farmaner, director of the Burma Campaign UK, believes tourism will do nothing to prevent human-rights abuses.

Published: 11:37AM BST 14 Aug 2009

Once again, there is speculation that Aung San Suu Kyi has changed her mind about the tourism boycott. If she has, her party can easily say so. The Burma Campaign UK follows the policies of the democracy movement, and if the NLD ends its call for a boycott, we will too.

In the early 1990s Burma's generals identified tourism as a major potential source of income – not to provide jobs but to provide foreign currency that they could use to buy more weapons and secure their grip on power. Than Shwe, the dictator of Burma, wanted to double the size of the army, and was looking for ways to pay for it. Thousands of people were used as slave labour in tourism projects in the run-up to "Visit Myanmar Year" in 1996.

In response to the appalling human rights abuses, and to try to block this new stream of revenue to the generals, Burma's democracy movement called for tourists to stay away – a request that proved surprisingly controversial. Some advocates of tourism, while admitting it is impossible to visit Burma without giving money to the generals, argued that ordinary people could also benefit. Yes, it is true that a few Burmese earn a living from tourism, and if you visit Burma on holiday you can try to take comfort from that, but some of your money will also pay for the human-rights abuses going on.

In Eastern Burma, 10,000 ethnic Shan people are running for their lives as the army launches a new offensive, burning homes, shooting villagers. One woman was gang-raped by soldiers in front of her husband; another was shot and her body dumped in a latrine. This is going on now, out of sight in the mountains, and nothing is being done to stop it.

Gordon Brown has called for a global arms embargo against Burma. It is incredible that there is not one already. There are also moves to have the International Criminal Court prosecute the generals for crimes against humanity. Going on holiday to Burma will not help stop human-rights abuses; supporting these initiatives will.

