Chin Youth Organization Concluded its 5th Conference

Chinland Guardian

July 5, 2009 - Indianapolis, In: A biennial conference held on 3rd and 4th of July, 2009, organized by the Chin Youth Organization of North America concluded yesterday in Indianapolis, IN, USA.

Participated by about 1000 Chin youths and students engaged in sports and different kinds of activities such as beauty contest, debate, and a variety of other competitions.

“I think this initiative is good because it accommodates a place where we have a chance to get together along with our Chin from other parts of the US. There were many types of competitions. And I think it was not just competition, but this means a lot for our people and our land”, said Van Tha Par who represented a group of Chin students and youths from Washington DC Area and won the first price in the debate.

The lively debate in which one group argued that “leaving Burma is better than being remained in the country and persecuted” was seen as one of the most applauded programs among others.

Tha Tha, a high school student, who seemed to be serious about her Chin national cause as she continued “it is unfortunate that we had to leave our homeland and we continue to leave, but on the other hand it is a good opportunity for us as Chin youths to prepare ourselves to rebuild our Chin society and our homeland…”

Special speaker invited at the conference Pu Zing Cung, the Chairman of the Chin National Front (CNF) expressed his grave concern about the continued political deadlock in Burma and disagree with the behavior of the Burmese military, emphasized the importance of change in Burma that should happen without delay. He also outlined next steps that the CNF is taking to push changes in Burma, specifically on what roles the Chin youths can take part.

“If we look back to our history, the Chin youths and students played critical important roles in our Chin national movement. They fought hard for Freedom, Democracy, and Self-determination which are yet to be achieved fully. The Chin National Front and its allies were called on to fulfill this duty. But you and I, we all have our duties”, said the Chairman of CNF.

In his address, a prominent Chin politician Pu Lian Uk emphasized the importance of continuously engaging with activities such as this to preserve and promote the Chin literature and culture as they are forced to leave their homeland and scattered in different parts of the world.

CYO was founded in December, 2000 with the aims to preserve social, national and culture heritages of the Chin, and to promote and protect the Chin literature and traditional values.

