Matriculation Exam Results Plummeted In Chin State

Van Biak Thang
Chinland Guardian
10 June, 2009

The 2008-09 matriculation results announced on 7 June 2009 saw a dramatic fall in the number of ‘tenth standard’ students passing the examination and getting distinctions in Chin State while the overall result in the whole country has been said to be on the increase.

The figures revealed that only 12 per cent of the tenth standard students sitting in Chin State passed the exams, hitting a record low compared to the previous years.

This year, a total of 8,897 students were registered to sit at 23 exam centres in Chin State and only more than one thousand got through, which included 160 students from Tedim, 240 from Hakha, 78 from Thantlang, 139 from Falam, 18 from Tonzang, 111 from Matupi, 125 from Mindat, 62 from Paletwa, 43 from Kanpalet, 14 from Cikha, 7 from Rihkhuadar, 9 from Rizua, and 12 from Thuklai, according to sources.

A sudden decline in the number of students in the exam results has been seen in Chin State after the military authority imposed new policies in 2004 that require full attendance to school by Boarding school students, who were exempted previously.

In Chin State, state-sponsored schools have been branded ‘school with no proper education’ due to lack of facilities, disciplines and teaching methods while private-run boarding schools, which started in the 1990s, have been received as producing ‘well-disciplined and better-educated’ students with high marks and more distinctions.

One of the school principal in Chin State was quoted as saying: "Our students have now got to go to school every day until the end of February. Year by year, we have seen our final results going down. We think this happens because the students have got less time for studying at their Boarding Schools and because they have been distracted from studying by an increasing number of young people trying to go abroad."

Meanwhile, some schools based in Rangoon including Dagon High School No. 1 were celebrating as more than 80 per cent of the students passed the exams with an increasing number of distinctions. Mawlamyaing High School No. 8 and 9 saw more students succeed in their exams.

The examination result, which was normally announced on 21 June, came out earlier this year, sparking speculations that Burma's military authority wants the next examination taking place in December 2009 to be earlier than usual, so all the schools break up for holidays early next year before 2010 election.

