Junta’s false propaganda on Kachin State

The situation in Kachin State, Northern Burma has been falsely portrayed in the state run media during Prime Minister General Thein Sein’s visit to the state, local people said.

PM Gen Thein Sein

The junta’s mouthpiece The New Light of Myanmar newspaper wrote quoting the Premier on the front page on January 27 that “Northern regions of Myanmar enjoy extra development.” This is totally different from the reality, residents and environmentalists said.

“What he (Thein Sein) said is not true. There has been no new development. On the contrary there has been an increase in the destruction of the environment and ecology, while many youths have taken to drugs,” said Awng Wa leader of the Kachin Development Networking Group (KDNG).

“…Kachin State once lagged behind in development due to lack of stability. But, peace and tranquility now prevail in Kachin State. And locals are enjoying ever better socio-economic life due to efforts of the government for infrastructural development in the region…” Thein Sein was quoted in the state run newspaper as saying.

Awng Wa said, Kachin State has suffered both before and after the ceasefire agreement between the ethnic armed group Kachin Independent Organization (KIO) and junta.

Almost all main business in the state such as jade, gold mining, logging is controlled by the military junta leaders, their family members and cronies. Local people do not benefit from it, said the Chairman of KDNG.

“After the ceasefire, they (businessmen) can move to every corner of the state and do whatever they like. Destruction of the forest cover and natural resources is faster than ever,” said Awng Wa.

According to the newspaper the Prime Minister gave away clothes, medicines and utensils to residents during his visit. Local people alleged it was meant to woo voters before the 2010 general elections.

The state run media also mentioned about his visit to Puta-O Township the district which is endowed with the bounties of nature, especially snowy mountains. “It will appear as a tourist destination boosting the tourism industry, thanks to natural sceneries and smooth transport,” the junta’s mouth piece media said.

Sein Ram, a resident of Puta-O, who sought asylum in New Delhi after facing persecution from the military junta in his home town said, the situation around Puta-O township has not changed in a decade.

“Everything is the same as it was 20 years ago, nothing has changed,” said Sein Ram who was in his 30’s the last time he went to his home town in 2007.

“Instead of help and benefit from the recently introduced tourism projects, people have been forced to move from their village where they lived for over 50 years,” he added.

He said, in 2007 more than 40 families from the Shidi village near Putao township were displaced after Burmese Army Infantry Battalion No. (IB or Kha-La-Ya) 137, 138 were deployed in their village for security of the tourism project. The villagers were forced to relocate.

The tourism business in Puta-O is totally controlled by Te Za, or also spelled Tayza the business tycoon, who owns Htoo Trading and Air Bagan. He is close to junta supremo Senior General Than Shwe and plans to contest in the forthcoming general election as the representative of the township, said local people.

There are more Burmese Army troops deployed in the region now. Earlier there was only IB No. 46. Now there are battalions 137 and 138 creating problems for the ethnic people, the resident of Puta-O said.

In February 2007, four ethnic Kachin school girls were gang raped by Burmese soldiers from IB No. 138 but there was no action from the authorities just offered a compensation of 300,000 Kyat (US$ 313) to the victims’ families.

General Thein Sein also visited Hukawng valley where Yuzana Company owned by tycoon Htay Myint, another crony of the junta operates. He has purchased nearly 400,000 acres from the regime since 2006, which included local people’s farms.

Ethnic Kachin people are sore with the company for cleaning up large tracts of forests on which they depend for their livelihood. Besides, land has been confiscated from them.

The PM also saw the Myitsone dam construction site being implemented by the China Power Investment Corporation (CPI) and “encouraged the Chinese people over the hydropower project,” even as there was an outcry by the local people protesting against the project, Awng Wa said.

Sino-Burma border based military analyst Aung Kyaw Zaw said, the visit of the Prime Minister might have possible links to the refusal of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) to transform to the Border Guard Force (BGF).

KIO has to respond to the BGF proposal of the junta by today.

Source :http://kachinnews.com/News/Junta%E2%80%99s-false-propaganda-on-Kachin-State.html
